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  • Other Lands Have Dreams
    چهارشنبه ۷ تیر ۱۳۹۱ ساعت ۲۰:۴۱

    By Kathy Kelly. Other Lands Have Dreams: From Baghdad to Pekin Prison is Kathy Kelly's gripping account of her time in Iraq from the first Gulf War through the misery of 12 years of sanctions to US invasion that began with Operation Shock and Awe and continues with the bloody Occupation. Kelly, a founder of Voices in the Wilderness, returned to the US to face a federal prison sentence for protesting at the School of the Americas, the torture and

    By Kathy Kelly. Other Lands Have Dreams: From Baghdad to Pekin Prison is Kathy Kelly's gripping account of her time in Iraq from the first Gulf War through the misery of 12 years of sanctions to US invasion that began with Operation Shock and Awe and continues with the bloody Occupation. Kelly, a founder of Voices in the Wilderness, returned to the US to face a federal prison sentence for protesting at the School of the Americas, the torture and assassin training-ground at Ft. Benning, Georgia. From her cell, Kelly recounts in vivid and harrowing detail the miserable conditions inside US prisons, where young mothers are sealed away in the name of the merciless war on drugs. A stunning book by a true American hero. Please see the book deals to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.

    شماره مطلب: 20191
    دفعات دیده شده: ۳۵۹۶ | آخرین مشاهده: ۴ روز پیش