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عملیات روانی
  • China urges dialogue on Iran N-issue China urges dialogue on Iran N-issue
    چهارشنبه ۱۷ آبان ۱۳۹۱ ساعت ۱۲:۲۸

    China has reiterated its call for dialogue with Iran over its peaceful nuclear energy program one day after the United Nations nuclear monitoring agency chief repeated his unfounded allegations against Iran. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, was quoted by Xinhua news agency as saying on Tuesday, “China has always considered that dialogue and cooperation is the only right way to properly resolve the Iranian nuclear issue”. Ho

    China has reiterated its call for dialogue with Iran over its peaceful nuclear energy program one day after the United Nations nuclear monitoring agency chief repeated his unfounded allegations against Iran. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, was quoted by Xinhua news agency as saying on Tuesday, “China has always considered that dialogue and cooperation is the only right way to properly resolve the Iranian nuclear issue”. Hong said the five world powers [the US, the UK, France, China, and Russia] plus Germany -- known as the P5+1 group -- as well as the IAEA should boost their cooperation with Iran on the nuclear issue. The Chinese official said, “...If all parties concerned promote dialogue and cooperation in a flexible and practical way, a solution will be found”. Iran and the P5+1 group have so far held several rounds of multifaceted talks mainly over the Iranian nuclear energy issue.

    نام منبع: irib
    شماره مطلب: 21195
    دفعات دیده شده: ۵۶۱ | آخرین مشاهده: ۲ روز پیش