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عملیات روانی
  • Ahmadinejad heads to Indonesia for Bali Democracy Forum Ahmadinejad heads to Indonesia for Bali Democracy Forum
    چهارشنبه ۱۷ آبان ۱۳۹۱ ساعت ۱۲:۱۸

    Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has headed to Indonesia’s Bali to take part in the 5th Bali Democracy Forum. Heading a high-ranking political delegation, President Ahmadinejad left Tehran for Bali on Wednesday. Upon departure, the president told reporters at Tehran International Airport that he would present Iran’s viewpoints regarding a new world order during the summit. He also said that would meet and hold talks with the heads

    Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has headed to Indonesia’s Bali to take part in the 5th Bali Democracy Forum. Heading a high-ranking political delegation, President Ahmadinejad left Tehran for Bali on Wednesday. Upon departure, the president told reporters at Tehran International Airport that he would present Iran’s viewpoints regarding a new world order during the summit. He also said that would meet and hold talks with the heads of state participating in the conference to discuss bilateral ties and international issues. Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, Senior Advisor to President Mojtaba Samareh-Hashemi and Iran’s Vice-President for Executive Affairs Hamid Baqaei will accompany the Iranian chief executive in his visit. The 5th Bali Democracy Forum is scheduled to be held on November 8 and 9 and the representatives of about 70 countries will participate in the conference. Among the major issues to be discussed at the meeting are security, peace, human rights and economic development. Indonesia founded the high-level annual forum in 2008 with the aim of promoting democracy in the Asia-Pacific region.

    نام منبع: presstv
    شماره مطلب: 21194
    دفعات دیده شده: ۵۷۲ | آخرین مشاهده: ۱ روز پیش