A glance at the 16th NAM summit (1)
Saturday 08 September 2012 16:06
Tehran has recently hosted the 16th summit of the non-aligned movement NAM on August 26-31. Leaders and high-ranking officials from 120 countries along with representatives from the observing countries, international organizations and special guests came to Tehran to take part in the 16th NAM summit. At Tehran summit, Egypt handed NAM’s rotating chairmanship to Iran for the coming three years. The issues of NAM were decided at the high
Tehran has recently hosted the 16th summit of the non-aligned movement NAM on August 26-31. Leaders and high-ranking officials from 120 countries along with representatives from the observing countries, international organizations and special guests came to Tehran to take part in the 16th NAM summit. At Tehran summit, Egypt handed NAM’s rotating chairmanship to Iran for the coming three years. The issues of NAM were decided at the highest level and an 11-article statement was approved. In this special two part program we will review the results and achievements of 16th NAM summit at Tehran. The 16th NAM summit wrapped up on Friday by issuing a statement in Tehran. Different topics like collective peace and security, anti-terrorism campaign, nuclear issue and emphasis on rights of countries within the framework of nuclear non-proliferation treaty NPT and stressing elimination of nuclear weapons, the need for changing the current structure of the UN, preservation of the right of sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries, non-interference in internal affairs of other countries, the issue of Palestine and mechanisms for world management were discussed at Tehran summit. The final statement of the 16th NAM summit contains important chapters including political and economic crises of the world, the issue of Palestine, the right of use of peaceful nuclear energy as well as lasting world peace. The statement, as the outcome of expert discussions in the meeting of experts and foreign ministers participating in the NAM summit, highlights the shaping of a just, comprehensive, transparent and effective system for a joint international management with the participation of all countries within the framework of their interests. Occupation of Palestine and the Zionist regime's continuous crimes which is one of the main reasons of the critical situation in the Middle East was the other axis of Tehran summit statement. In this regard, the statement underlines that a solution to this crisis requires putting end to occupation, restoration of the indispensible right of self-determination for the Palestinian people and establishment of an independent state with the holy Quds as capital. Emphasis on global elimination of nuclear weapons, participation of countries in global governance and unanimity on resolving regional crises especially Syria are among important issues which were raised on the first day of Tehran summit by Iran. Pointing to the nuclear issue, the statement describes production and stockpiling of nuclear weapons as a serious threat to humanity noting, “Nuclear-armed countries should fulfill their commitments within the framework of article 6 of NPT within a specific time.” The content of Tehran statement shows that the 16th NAM summit in Tehran pays attention to the present and future but it stresses the fundamental principles of NAM. This comprehensive glance shows that although the initial approach of the movement in the international arena was political, today it has noticed different aspects of participation in world management which means opportunity for cooperation and use of various economic, commercial capacities and cultural interactions among NAM members. Actually, the NAM is looking for opportunities to play an independent role in decision-making and world policy-making. The successful holding of the NAM summit showed that unlike the western media hype, Iran not only was not isolated and passive but made the NAM atmosphere dynamic and turned it into the scene of expressing various viewpoints resulting in effective and comprehensive results through positive thinking. The Tehran convergence showed that the NAM members with their ample capacities and possibilities play their real role to counter challenges like insecurity, war and hegemony; since the world nations are still thirsty for justice, peace and security and disgust domineering powers. From this viewpoint the NAM is also a symbol of global efforts to achieve peace, security and development in the world. There is no doubt that in view of the multitude of the NAM members which comprise two third of the world countries, the movement deserves an international role on the basis of NAM thoughts. Certainly achieving this goal in the present world is in need of a new management and international structure. A realistic glance at the causes of the world issues shows that many problems such as wars, insecurity, poverty and the like stem from excessive ambition and monopoly of hegemonic powers that are seeking to dominate the world wealth and resources. This monopoly has spread to scientific domain like access to peaceful nuclear technology. As a matter of fact, domineering powers led by the US have placed democracy and freedom, defense of human rights and concerns of nuclear threats as a pretext for justifying their hegemony and arrogance; whereas in their own countries people's rights are trampled and protests are violently suppressed. When mention is made of violation of rights of Palestinian nation and killing of people in Iraq and Afghanistan, these very countries use terrorism as a pretext while acting as ringleaders of terrorist groups and even support them. Paying attention to these characteristics indicates that for achieving its ideals despite geographical distance, religious, language, cultural and racial differences; the NAM enjoys common principles and incentives for cooperation and in the current developments it is seeking these very objectives as per the current requirements. Actually there is a permanent bond between traditional beliefs of the NAM founders and the current ideals of the world nations which have taken shape on the basis of common human ideals aimed at justice and spirituality in the world. Thus, principles like denouncing hegemony, confrontation with dominance and efforts for creating a just system in the world, filling the gap between the north and south countries are among the main goals of the NAM; yet it should betaken into account that unity and solidarity among all NAM members is the precondition for success, potency and victory of NAM over domineering powers.
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