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  • Gaddafi vows to defeat fighters, NATO
    پنج‌شنبه ۱۷ شهریور ۱۳۹۰ ساعت ۱۴:۵۱

    Fugitive Libyan ruler Muammar GaddafiFugitive Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi has vowed that he will continue resisting and will defeat revolutionaries that control most of the country as well as NATO forces. Gaddafi, whose whereabouts remain unknown, made the remarks in a phone call to Syria's Arrari Television station on Thursday, Reuters reported. The defiant dictator slammed reports of his fleeing to Niger, describing them as "lies" and "psych

    Fugitive Libyan ruler Muammar GaddafiFugitive Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi has vowed that he will continue resisting and will defeat revolutionaries that control most of the country as well as NATO forces. Gaddafi, whose whereabouts remain unknown, made the remarks in a phone call to Syria's Arrari Television station on Thursday, Reuters reported. The defiant dictator slammed reports of his fleeing to Niger, describing them as "lies" and "psychological warfare." "We will defeat NATO...and NATO is rejected by the Libyan people," he boasted. "The youths are now ready to escalate the resistance against the 'rats' (revolutionaries) in Tripoli and to finish off the mercenaries," Gaddafi said during the call, which the television station claimed was being broadcast from within Libya. The fugitive ruler also downplayed recent reports of the possible fleeing of his security chief and some of his loyalists to neighboring Niger by a military convoy. "Columns of convoys drive into and out of Niger carrying goods and people inside and outside, [and you] say Gaddafi is going to Niger," he said in the call that Arrai TV reported was made from within Libya. Gaddafi's spokesman Moussa Ibrahim, who is holed up in the Libyan town of Bani Walid, has repeatedly claimed that Gaddafi is in Libya and remains in high spirits. Despite massive search operations to find his hideout, Gaddafi's whereabouts have been a mystery since the fall of the capital Tripoli, over a week ago. This is while thousands of anti-Gaddafi forces have besieged Bani Walid, one of the last strongholds of Gaddafi and his loyalists. In the wake of inconclusive negotiations with tribal leaders in Bani Walid, the revolutionaries say they are ready to enter the town without violence, waiting for orders from their commanders

    نام منبع: Scientific - Research Quarterly on Psychological Operations
    شماره مطلب: 16960
    دفعات دیده شده: ۲۱۰۳ | آخرین مشاهده: ۲ روز پیش