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Date of:  Monday 09 September 2024   Date to:  Monday 16 September 2024  
  • Hajj reveals power of Islam Hajj reveals power of Islam
    Hajj reveals power of Islam Hajj pilgrimage has created this magnificent, diverse gathering of a multitude of people, revealing the human spectrum and spiritual power of Islam both to itself and to others.  From Imam Khamenei's 2024 Hajj Message  June 11, 2024 Click on the image to view the large size   The appealing Abrahamic call to Hajj The appealing
    News | Saturday 15 June 2024
  • The Hajj of Abraham means renunciation of the enemies of Islam & humanity - Israel & the US The Hajj of Abraham means renunciation of the enemies of Islam & humanity - Israel & the US
    The Hajj of Abraham means renunciation of the enemies of Islam & humanity - Israel & the Imam Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Revolution, held a meeting with the country's officials in charge of conducting and organizing Hajj pilgrimage. The gathering took place in the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on May 6, 2024, prior to the commencement of the
    News | Saturday 15 June 2024
  • As the page of history is turning, you are standing on the right side of it
    As the page of history is turning, you are standing on the right side of it May 30, 2024Print The following is Imam Khamenei's letter addressed to American university students following their courageous defense of the Palestinian people. In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful I
    News | Thursday 30 May 2024
  • Dozens of insurgents slain across Syria Dozens of insurgents slain across Syria
    Syrian Army soldiers have killed dozens of foreign-backed insurgents fighting government forces during nationwide mop-up operations. According to the SANA news agency, a number of armed men were killed during intense clashes with Syrian troops in the flashpoint northwestern city of Aleppo, located about 114 kilometers (70 miles) south of Damascus, on Tuesday. The Syrian Army also destroyed several cars loaded with weapons and munitio
    News | Wednesday 07 November 2012
  • Iran impounds Saudi fishing vessel in Iranian territorial waters Iran impounds Saudi fishing vessel in Iranian territorial waters
    The Islamic Republic of Iran has impounded a fishing vessel owned by Saudi Arabia in the southern waters of Iran off the coast of Bushehr Province. According to Colonel Qalandar Lashkari, the commander of the coast guard of the province, the vessel was detained on Tuesday after it entered Iran’s territorial waters. He said further details, including those on the vessel and its crew, will be released in the future. Iran and Saudi Ara
    Report | Wednesday 07 November 2012
  • Sheikh Khatib: Knesset candidates defile the Aqsa Mosque to woo voters
    Deputy head of the Islamic Movement in the 1948 occupied lands Sheikh Kamal Al-Khatib said violating the sanctity of the Aqsa Mosque are not only confined to extremist groups, but also has become a general behavior inside the Jewish community as a whole. "The visits which are made by Knesset members to the Aqsa Mosque in light of a feverish electoral race in Israel prove that the Mosque has become popular election propaganda for them," the Isl
    News | Wednesday 07 November 2012
  • Syria insurgents have 50 Stingers: Lavrov Syria insurgents have 50 Stingers: Lavrov
    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says insurgent groups fighting against the Syrian government have obtained 50 Stinger shoulder-launched missiles. Lavrov said in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on Tuesday that Moscow knows that Syria's insurgents have obtained the lethal weapons from outside to hit (government) fighter jets. He made the remarks after meeting former Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab, who defected from the government a
    News | Wednesday 07 November 2012
  • Saudi Arabia Funds Mossad Anti-Iran Operations Saudi Arabia Funds Mossad Anti-Iran Operations
    A startling disclosure has been made about the unholy alliance between the illegal Zionist entity and the Wahhabi minority regime in Saudi Arabia to try to undermine the progress of the Islamic Republic of Iran.Former CBS News producer Barry Lando has recently written an investigative article titled "A Strange Alliance: Are the Saudis Bankrolling Israel's Mossad?" Lando does not reveal the identity of the person who revealed to him about th
    Article | Wednesday 07 November 2012
  • Hamdan stresses on Hamas’s adherence to the option of resistance Hamdan stresses on Hamas’s adherence to the option of resistance
    The International relations official in Hamas movement, Osama Hamdan, said that Hamas is still the most prominent representative of the Palestinian resistance, stressing on its confidence that "the rebellious peoples will regain the lead." Hamdan asserted in a press statement on Tuesday that Hamas will always adhere to the resistance as a strategic option, and that it will never quit resisting the occupation. He said: "Today the Arab people
    News | Wednesday 07 November 2012
  • UN criticized over Iran medicine ban
    Head of Iran Medical Council has criticized the United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon for his silence over the US-led ban on medicine sales to the Islamic Republic. In a letter on Tuesday to Ban, Shahaboddin Sadr described as “inhuman” the US-engineered ban by Western and European countries on sales of medications and medical equipment to Iran. He added, “It [the ban] reveals the countenance of tyrants … and confirms the point that Iran’s
    News | Wednesday 07 November 2012
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